A number of components to which you can contribute are included under 'Contributions' on SOMI.nl. We, therefore, call on you - for example, if you have more information or conclusions or findings - to might be useful to our research. All contributions are processed confidentially from the start and were handled by the consultants of the foundation who are bound by confidentiality. The expenses that you have incurred for this information can be reimbursed by SOMI at a certain rate (depending, among other things, on the information value and/or specialism involved). Timeline: when you have a good item for our timeline, which links persons and events (actions and statements), you can mail them to us. WOB: for its ongoing actions, SOMI is looking for questions that can be put to various agencies whose answers take us further in the dissemination of knowledge or advocacy in our actions. We ask for your input to ask the right questions. If you have a question(s) in this matter, you can email it to us, with the attached documents related to it. Claim documents: if you have instructions that can contribute to our files, or that we can request or supplement from third parties, you can email us. Hearing of witnesses: if you have an indication about the knowledge of certain persons, objectively and preferably documented, you can email us. The final results of the actions are published on this site. SOMI also publishes an overview of the most active and the most valuable contributions. Please indicate when you want to remain anonymous, when you want to contribute under an alias or when you have incurred expenses for intensive study because of your contribution.